Sunday, January 20, 2013

Reading Unit

We have been discussing day and night sky in our Reading/ Language Arts Unit. The students have heard a variety of texts about day and night, watch short video clips, as well as to draw and write about what information that they are able to recall. One of the books that we have read is "Papa, please get the moon for me", by Eric Carle. The students really seemed to enjoy reading this text. After reading the text the students were able to write "If I had the moon I would..." The students came up with some interesting responses and I loved reading them all. I would encourage you to ask your child what their favorite part of the story was and then take it a step further and ask him/ her why that was their favorite.

Friday, December 7, 2012

I Spy Shapes

This week in math we have been talking about 2D and 3D shapes. I have put together a short slideshow on "I spy shapes". I would encourage you to let your child look through the slideshow and share with you all of the shapes that they have found. I would also encourage you to ask your child what the name of the shape is that they found and take your questions further to ask if it is a 2D or a 3D shape. When you are out and about you will find shapes among you. Ask your child where he/she sees a shape, have them name what they see and what type of shape it is. When you do this, please leave me a comment to let me know that you have done so!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Classroom Newsletter

Thanksgiving Festivities at JME

We enjoyed our Thanksgiving festivities!
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Illustrator Michael White visits JME

On Thursday, November 15, 2012, Illustrator Michael White visited Joseph Martin Elementary School and showed off his art work with our students. He also showed the students how to draw different pictures. They absolutely loved trying to draw like him. This was a fun filled event enjoyed by all.
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Friday, November 9, 2012

Our Kindergarten AR Sock Hop party! The kiddos really seemed to enjoy themselves and had fun dancing and eating coke floats! It was definitely a fun time had by all! Thank you to Ms. Walker for all of your hard work for putting on such a neat event. Kiddos keep reading and taking AR tests so that you can attend the next AR Party. It is sure to be a hit.
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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Ft. Stewart Animal Exhibit at JME

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On Wednesday, November 07, 2012, we had visitors from Ft. Stewart come to JME and speak with our Kindergarten friends. They brought a baby aligator, a corn snake, a turtle, an aligator head, a snake skin, and a butterfly exhibit. The students had the opportunity to hold the turtle, pet the snake and aligator, and ask any questions that they had. The students really enjoyed themselves and had a great time interacting with the Ft. Stewart crew. It was a lot of fun seeing the huge smiles on each student's face and hearing them continuously mentioning how much fun they had. What was your favorite part? Leave me a comment and let me know! I cannot wait to hear from you.