Sunday, November 4, 2012

American Symbol- The Statue of Liberty

We are continuing with our Reading Unit on American Symbols. One of the symbols that we discussed was the Statue of Liberty. We read an informational text on the Statue of Liberty, watched a video clip, made a KWLI chart (What we know, what we want to know, what we have learned, and illustrations) on the Statue and even made our own crowns. The students had a blast making their crowns and wearing them around the school and pretending that they were the Statue of Liberty.

Here is our KWLI chart that we made

             Topic:The Statue of Liberty
K: What we know
 - we know that the statue is green
 - we know that the statue is in New York
 - we know that the statue is big

W: What we want to know
   - why is the torch always burning?
   - what does the word Liberty mean?
   - why does she wear a crown?
   - how long did it take to build the statue?
   - what is she standing on?

L: What we have learned
  - the statue stands for freedom and the word liberty means freedom
  - that she was a gift to the USA from France on America's 100th birthday
  - that the statue has broken chains at her feet and that symbolizes that the people are now free
  - that the statue is as tall as sky scrappers (tall buildings)
  - that the statue is made of copper
  - the statue stands on a pedestal
  - there are 25 windows in the crown
  - the 7 points on the crown stand for the 7 continents
I: Illustrations
Statue of Liberty

Class Pictures:

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