Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Joseph Martin Elementary Election 2012

For the past week we have talked about the election and how important it is for adults to exercise their freedom to vote. We discussed the election and the impact it would have on the students future. Here at JME we have held our own election. We allowed the students to vote for Duck or Farmer Brown for President.Each student received a voting ballot and was able to cast their vote for who they thought would be the better president at JME. The students made campaign posters and we displayed them in the hallway for others to see and try to persuade others to vote for their candidate. At 1:00 pm today, the votes were tallied and the winner was announced to the student body. The new president of JME is Farmer Brown. CONGRATS TO FARMER BROWN! Please take a look at our campaign posters that we made and have on display throughout the hallway. Let us know what you think about the posters that we made!!
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